Vitajte na našom webe



Pitbul keď chytí, tak nepustí... ale v skutočnosti to čo chytí a nepustí nie je vaša ruka ale srdce!


Vítam Vás na našom webe, ktorý je venovaný nášmu štvornohému miláčikovi, fenke amerického pitbulteriera bez PP menom Tessy.

Na stránke môžete vidieť fotky a videá Tessy od čias, keď bola ešte melé miminko.

Vždy nás fascinovala tá tzv. modrá farba, preto sme sa rozhodi, že si zaopatríme práve blue nose. Nebolo to však tu na Slovensku práve jednoduché, ale nakoniec sa to podarilo a aj preto sme sa rozhodli založiť túto stránku, aby sme sa spojili s vicerými ľuďmi, ktorí tiež obľubujú blue nose.

Juraj a Veronika


Welcome to our website


When a pitbull catches you and won't let go, he really doesn't grab your hand. He grabs your heart .


Our website is devoted to our four legged friend, Tessy, a female American pitbull which doesn´t have a pedigree.
On the website you can see photos and videos of Tessa begining when she was a puppy.

We were always fascinated by blue nose pitbulls, so we decided that we would try to raise one.. In Slovakia this was not so easy, but with time our efforts were successful. Now Tessy is a member of our family.
We decided to start this website because we wanted to meet more people with blue nose pitbulls and share our stories, pictures and videos.


                                                                                                                                                                                         George & Veronica